32 research outputs found


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    The quality of service in hotel industry is an important factor of successful business. The existing trend of complete quality management in hotel industry ensures the achievement of competitive advantage of hotel companies and is therefore the subject of contemporary research into service quality in hotel industry. The concept and the conceptual model of service quality is indispensable if we wish to understand the genesis of service quality and potential gaps in quality. The aim of this paper is to show the importance of service quality in hotel industry from both the conceptual standpoint and that of service quality measurement. The paper describes the most common criteria for measuring service quality, namely the model of internal service quality and the SERVQUAL model. The shown results are those of quantitative and qualitative application of such models in hotels.Kvaliteta usluge u hotelskoj industriji važan je čimbenik uspješnog poslovanja. Postojeći trend upravljanja potpunom kvalitetom u hotelskoj industriji osigurava postizanje konkurentskih prednosti hotelskih tvrtki te je iz tog razloga predmet suvremenih izučavanja kvalitete usluge u hotelijerstvu. Koncept i konceptualni model kvalitete usluge neophodan je u razumijevanju nastanka kvalitete usluge i mogućih jazova kvalitete. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati važnost kvalitete usluge u hotelskoj industriji i to s konceptualnog stajališta kao i sa stajališta mjerenja kvalitete usluge. SERVQUAL model pruža odgovarajući konceptualni okvir za istraživanje i mjerenje kvalitete usluga u uslužnim djelatnostima. SERVQUAL ima široku primjenu, kako u znanosti, tako i u praksi različitih uslužnih djelatnosti. Cilj rada je dati pregled organizacijskih varijabli (politika, kadrovi, struktura, tehnologija, procesi) koja će garantirati najbolju kvalitetu usluga uz minimalne troškove

    The Causal Effect of Mountain Partnership on the Environment

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    In response to increasing ecosystems degradation, many mountain countries have recently implemented harm-reduction policy measures in order to sustain their future economic development, which is partially dependent on a strong tourism sector. The objective of this article is to evaluate the policies that stem from Metropolitan Public Gardens Association aims in order to ascertain whether they are associated with a reduction in greenhouse gasses. This cross-sectional study used greenhouse gasses emission data between 1995 and 2016 from 139 countries as an outcome. Difference-in-differences analysis using panel matching with economic, tourism, demographic and other control variables was conducted to evaluate the causal impact of Metropolitan Public Gardens Association policies on greenhouse gasses emissions before and after joining the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association. Our results show that the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association as a global trans-national alliance led effective policy in some cases but not in all. While managing or protecting the conservation, health, vitality and stewardship of mountain ecosystems by promoting a policy of sustainable mountain development, carbon footprints were reduced. We ascribe this impact to the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association committed environmental policy. Metropolitan Public Gardens Association succeeded in decreasing the emission of carbon dioxide per capita but the result for methane per capita is mixed. Surprisingly, evidence of increasing nitrous oxide per capita is found. More research needs to be done to assess the impact of the greenhouse gasses emission - Metropolitan Public Gardens Association intervention nexus before the Difference-in-differences analysis using panel matching technique becomes widespread


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    At the end of the 80s of the last century, the world economic scenery went through significant changes, among which we mainly think of a shortage of revolutionary discoveries, which would increase demand and establish new big markets. Countries are faced to provide organized support for the establishment and development of SMEs which will be privately owned. It would obviously increase the country\u27s opportunities to provide for its needs from the real sources (through tax collection). Mutual interests would empower connections among the countries and among the private entrepreneurs, which, in the end, would have a positive impact on generating the economic growth and on the total development of the national economy, i.e. the economy of the region. Through this work the authors are trying to indicate the possibilities and ways of economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, recalling the experience of other countries in which economic growth, and therefore the total social development, are mainly the results of the entrepreneurial cultur

    The Role of Tourism in the Development of Employment in Istria

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    In comparison to other Mediterranean countries, the Croatian tourist sector is of greatest importance to the economy in general, and to exports in particular. However, analyses have shown that in spite of its successes, Croatian tourism has not yet reached the level of activity it had before the war. Good results can be seen in a significant growth of income from tourism, a decrease in the unit‐based cost of labor, a growth of productivity and employment and a gross added value in the activity of hotels and restaurants. The problems in Croatian tourism are mainly to be found in insufficient investments in hotels and restaurants, a marked seasonality, insufficient occupancy of capacities, negative business results, overpriced products and services connected to tourism in comparison with the competition (Italy, Austria, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy and Switzerland). This paper is trying to present the state of employment in tourism in Croatia and Istria in the after‐war period and research some concrete measures undertaken to educate the personnel

    UVOD U TURIZAM - povijest, razvoj, perspektive

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    Predmet istraživanja ove e-knjige je turizam promatran kroz povijesni razvoj, ekonomske utjecaje i izazove u međunarodnom okruženju. Udžbenik je namijenjen studentima smjera turizam ali i svim zainteresiranim dionicima okruženja. Svrha djela je unaprjeđenje razine znanja o turizmu pomoću interpolacije povijesnih i sadašnjih spoznaja, sublimirajući suvremene trendove i utjecaje

    Competitiveness of Croatian Destinations Through Online Marketing Indicators

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    The purpose of this paper is to determine whether destinations in Croatia follow the trend of the modern market by ensuring first impression quality through an online campaign. The World Tourist Organisation (UNWTO: 2008) takes into consideration categories of web page quality evaluation such as: information level of the destination web site, level of accuracy, level of consistency, type and quality of interaction with visitors, value of visual identity. Web site development requires a user centered design process with permanent evaluation of the evolving design. The aim of this research is to explore web site design quality factors in order to adopt web page quality to a profile of destination visitors. This paper analyses online marketing concepts as new tools and processes that enable customer relation systems and ensure an interactive approach to potential customers. The fundamental empirical research was based on 11 Croatian destinations, both inland and coastal types, in order to analyse and identify levels of standardisation in online marketing quality. The focus was on the official local tourist board sites as destination tourism organisations. Destinations included in the research were: Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Opatija, Osijek, Zadar, Šibenik, Varaždin, Plitvice, Hvar and Rijeka. It is confirmed that the Web structure did not meet the requirements of modern tourists according to the selected categories. For example, the Šibenik official page is written only in the Croatian language. Furthermore, it is found that in addition to a non-existent domain policy, there is no commonly accepted visual identity that would be followed. The platforms of the web sites do not have a common system or tool. The evaluation indicates that only Zagreb's site offers a direct booking engine which proves that the destination is in line with the modern trends of online marketing. There is a strong, positive and statistically significant connection between the quality of internet pages of chosen tourist destinations and the number of tourist arrivals in that destination. From the web designers perspective, this research should help in the future web site development process in order to define the business objectives, context and key scenarios of use


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    This paper explores the relationship between unemployment (UR) and job vacancies rate (VR) on Croatia’s labor market during the observed period from January 1990 to December 2008 on the basis of empirical analysis using the framework of the UV Curve, also known as the Beveridge Curve. We estimated the natural rate of unemployment (in static and dynamic time varying equilibrium version) as a concept which follows from the Beveridge Curve theory that says that changes in vacancy rate push unemployment in the opposite direction.Rad istražuje odnos između nezaposlenosti (UR) i stope slobodnih radnih mjesta (VR ) u Hrvatskoj na tržištu rada u razdoblju od siječnja 1990 do prosinca 2008, na bazi empirijske analize koristeći okosnicu dane UV krivulje (poznatu još kao Beveridge krivulja). Procijenjena je prirodna stopa nezaposlenost (u statičnoj i dinamičnoj ravnotežnoj inačici) koja se kao koncept izvodi iz Beveridge krivulje, prema teoriji da promjena upražnjenih radnih mjesta potiskuje nezaposlenost u suprotnom smjeru

    Utjecaj turističke industrije i putovanja na veliku recesiju: višestruka analiza opstojnosti

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    succumb to more risk in a recession? With the shift from manufacturing-based economies in the developing world toward service-based industries, including tourism, a reliance on the tourism industry may erode economic stability in tourism-based countries, making them more prone to fall into a recession due to higher risks. In this paper, we wish to emphasise the positive impact of tourism specialisation indices in the international economy on the probability occurrence of a so-called Great Recession. This article uses a multilevel survival analysis and a generalised linear mixed-effect (GLMM) structure modelling to investigate the impact of tourism development on the probability of recession frequency (risk in terms of months of duration and severity), by using data collected from 2007 to 2013 from 71 countries around the world, to see if recession frequency is positively correlated with the various indicators of tourism development. Two GLMMs were fitted to this data: logistic regression and count regression with a Poisson distribution. Results for both regressions show considerable evidence that the ratio between the number of overnight stays and the resident population and travel services as a percentage of commercial service exports positively impacts the probability for a country (from our sample) to experience a recession event and can make recession worse in terms of severity, measured in months.Je li zemlja s visokim stupnjem ovisnosti o turističkoj ekonomiji spremna podnijeti više rizika u recesiji? Zemljama u razvoju, prijelazom iz proizvodnih gospodarstava prema industrijama temeljenim na uslugama, ekonomsku stabilnost može pogoršati oslanjanje na turističku industriju, jer postaju podložnije utjecajima recesije zbog većih rizika. U ovom radu želimo naglasiti pozitivan utjecaj turističke specijalizacije u međunarodnoj ekonomiji na vjerojatnost tzv. velike recesije. Ovaj članak koristi analizu višestruke opstojnosti i generaliziranu strukturu linearnih mješovitih modela (GLMM) kako bi se istražio utjecaj razvoja turizma na vjerojatnost recesijske učestalosti (rizik u smislu trajanja i težine). Korišteni su podatci prikupljeni u periodu od 2007. do 2013. godine iz 71 različite zemlje. Dokazano je da je učestalost recesije pozitivno povezana s različitim pokazateljima turističkog razvoja. Dva GLMM-a bila su prikladna za navedene podatke: logistička regresija i Poisson-ova distribucija. Rezultati obje regresije dokazuju da omjer između broja noćenja, rezidentnog stanovništva i putničkih usluga, kao postotka izvoza komercijalnih usluga, pozitivno utječe na vjerojatnost pojave recesijskog događaja (zemalja iz uzorka) i može je produbiti u smislu ozbiljnosti pojave, mjereno u mjesecima


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    The work aims at helping design and implement a plant tour to provide an additional source of revenue to the city of Labin. There are advantages in addition to generating extra revenue for the manufacturer to conduct tours of their plant; tours need to be complicated to produce these benefits. This proces requires careful planning. Particular attention must be given to safety and catering of the tour participants. Today\u27s tourists desire to experience the excitement of watching people and machines involved in their lives. Not only just by seeing the manufacturing process but also creating a unique experience that changes the perceptions of the visitor about the project. Companies that provide industrial tours in their facilities try hard to make the time spent during the tour a quality time. Museums are places where people are energized in a whole new way, especially when involved in the research Center tours. In the potential future tours the visitors see how an industry operates, with extensive safety awareness programs, environmental protection best practices and a sparkling-clean, orderly facility. Muzej Labin enhances the experience by enabling visitors to get the feel of the company culture and conscientious workforce. After these industrial tours, not only do visitors know more about the products they use, but they also see more value in the product. Their experience while «touching» the products they use will change their perception of the product for the rest of their lives, they feel more intense, they have experienced the process.Rad nastoji pomoći oblikovati i provesti posjet tvornici kako bi se osigurao dodatni izvor prihoda za grad Labin. Mnogo je prednosti provođenja izleta tvornicama povrh generiranja ekstra profita za proizvođača; izleti bi trebali biti osmišljeni tako da stvaraju kreiraju pogodnosti. Ovakav proces zahtijeva pažljivo planiranje. Posebna pažnja mora se posvetiti sigurnosti posjetitelja i ugostiteljskim aktivnostima koje će im se pružiti. Današnji turist želi iskusiti uzbuđenje gledajući ljude i strojeve važne u njihovim životima, kojim činom ne samo da se promatra proizvodni process, već se stvara jedinstveno iskustvo koje mijenja percepciju posjetitelja o projektu. Tvrtke koje nude industrijske izlete u svojoj ponudi jako se trude da to vrijeme bude kvalitetno provedeno. Muzeji su mjesta gdje se ljudi ispune energijom na jedan sasvim nov način, posebice kada su uključeni u posjet Centru za istraživanje. Potencijalni budući izleti omogućit će da posjetitelji vide kako funkcionira industrija, uz opsežne programe sigurnosti i informiranosti, najkvalitenije postupke u zaštiti prirode i besprijekorno čista, uredna postrojenja. Muzej Labin unapređuje ovakvo iskustvo budući da omogućava posjetiteljima osjetiti duhovno i materijalno stvaralaštvo jedne kompanije, ali i savjesnu radnu snagu. Nakon ovakvih industrijskih izleta posjetitelji ne samo da znaju više o proizvodu kojega koriste, nego i više cijene taj proizvod. Njihovo iskustvo dok “dodiruju” proizvod kojega koriste promijenit će njihovu percepciju o proizvodu za čitav život. Isto tako osjećaju proizvod intenzivnije budući da su djelićem učestvovali u njegovoj proizvodnji